[Left] [Up] [Right] Phase 2: Click-and-Drop Editor for Java-Enabled Diagrams [Left] [Up] [Right]

[Natasha Editor ]

[Natasha Editor ]

Download ToolKit 0.01 (November, 2001)

Version 0.01 of our click-and-drop UML diagram editor
is available for inspection and download.

Our Wishlist of Diagram Toolkit Capabilities is as follows:

  • Click-and-drop assembly of diagrams composed of simple shapes, images, pop-up hints, html links, and hierarchy and network links.
  • Saves diagrams in XML format.
  • Automatic export to Java-enabled applets (perhaps via a wizard).
  • XML import of UML diagrams created in professional UML toolkits (this is time consuming to implement and maintain).

Section 4-8: November, 2001. [Left] [Up] [Right]