[Left] [Up] [Right] Project 2. An XML/RDF Traceability Viewer [Left] [Up] [Right]

Metronome Example: Traceability Viewer Model

[Traceability Viewer]

Figure 1. Traceability Viewer Model

XML/RDF Datafile for Requirements

The top level requirement, Time Reference, is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="requirement.xsl"?>

<requirement id="TimeReference.req.xml"

        A physical device which displays a signal at regular frequency.      

        For a performing musician it can often be difficult to sustain a constant
        beat.  This is especially true when the music is complex, or very slow
        and sustained.  A physical time reference allows the musician to train
        his or her internal clock to a higher degree of precision.

    <rdf:Description about="TimeReference.req.xml">
            <rdf:Description about="AuditorySignal.req.xml"/>
            <rdf:Description about="AdjustableFrequency.req.xml"/>
            <rdf:Description about="Metronome.com.xml"/>

       <entry timestamp="12:38:03 PM 3/2/02">
              Created Requirement

Section 10-2: April, 2003. [Left] [Up] [Right]