[Left] [Up] [Right] Project 2. An XML/RDF Traceability Viewer [Left] [Up] [Right]

Participants: Scott Selberg, Mark Austin.

Problem Statement (...completed May, 2002)

The purpose of this project is to explore the extent to which XML and RDF technologies (i.e., SVG, Javascript, cascading stylesheets) can improve the human-computer interface.

XML Separates Content from Presentation

The eXtended markup language (XML) is a metalanguage -- that is, a language for describing other languages -- that allows people and computers to search for and exchange scientific, engineering and business data/information.

Web page content is separated from presentation -- applications decide how the data will be displayed.


Figure 1. XML Portability Model

XML allows for custom interpretation of data sets (write once, publish anywhere).

Section 10-1: April, 2003. [Left] [Up] [Right]