Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering

Requirements engineering addresses the development and validation of methods for eliciting, representing, analyzing, and confirming system requirements and with methods for transforming requirements into specifications for design and implementation.

[Requirements 4]

Figure 1. Components of the Requirements Engineering Process

The purpose of Figure 1 is to show how the requirments engineering and design engineering processes interact to produce precise specifications from which design alternatives can be generated. Combinations of informal requirements and domain knowledge are basic ingredients in creation of the design specification. Then, in turn, the design specification act as an initial point for the generation of design alternatives. Finally, the design alternatives are validated against the design specification.

Although no standard and generally agreed requirements engineering process exists, experience gathered from real-world projects indicates following activities are expected to be core activities in the process:

Development Pathway

Use cases --> Requirements --> Constraints/Objectives

In this section we are interested in:

We will establish a number of development tracks:

[Development Processes]

Figure 2. Development Tracks in Requirements Engineering

to clarify and manage use case modeling, domain analysis (i.e., domain-specific knowledge), interface specifications, architecture definition, and ongoing (iterative) development and management of the requirements and system design.

Requirements Elicitation through Goals and Scenarios

Before you can embark on the task of modeling and analyzing a system's structure and behavior, there needs to be a stage where you determine the goals of a project and relate them to measures of effectiveness. These related problems are resolved by analyzing the information available at the start of the engineering process (through goals and scenario analysis), and setting in place concurrent activities support development and analysis of the system requirements and models.

Because most systems are multi-functional, many scenarios may be needed to describe the system's intended behavior completely. Input from multiple stakeholders heads to a shared view of the system goals.


Figure 3. Role of Goals/Scenarios in Generation of Requirements

Most often an iterative procedure is needed to elicit, analyze, and clarify project scenarios and requirements. The key steps are as follows:

  1. Elicitation

  2. Manipulation of Requirements and Scenarios

  3. Maintenance of Requirements and Scenarios

In an object-driven problem formulation, observations of scenario execution leads to the generation of requirements, which in turn, feed into the system behavior model. Scenarios and requirements are of equal importance.

[Requirements: Fig 1]

Figure 4. Incremental Development of Requirements and the System Design

The adjacent schematic shows the ensuring incremental development of requirements and the system design. Both sides of this diagram should be equivalent.

Note. The triangular abstractions for requirements and design development indicate that "volume" of materials or development detail increases with each iteration of work. What this diagram doesn't show is that requirements come from a variety of internal and external sources. Internally, requirements will eminate from high-level decisions that constrain the space of possible design options, and requirements derived through engineering analyses. Externally, requirements will be bought into the project through adoption of technologies and reuse of previous work.


Requirements Acquisition vith Multiple Viewpoints

If "global reasoning in large and complex project development" is to occur with any assurance of quality, then a necessary prerequisite is requirements that capture the views and responsibilities of all parties involved (e.g., engineering, maintenance, production, business, customer ...... viewpoints). In fact, there would appear to be a direct correlation between completeness of requirements early in the project life-cycle, and the ability of project participants to make good decisions and handle conflict resolutions.

As we will see in the DEC case study problem below, ad hoc approaches to the collection of viewpoints often lead to skewed results. One problem is that in most projects the requirements engineer is not an expert in the application domain being addressed, and so many problems can be traced back to misunderstandings between the requirements/applications engineers, and implicit assumptions made by potential users/customers.

In an effort to overcome some of these problems, researchers (Kotonya, 1996) have recently derived formal structures for requirements engineering using viewpoints associated with the sources of requirements. The goal is to provide assistance in the organization and structuring of requirements, and to balance the need for preservation of multiple viewpoints during the system development on one hand, with the demands for consistency and coherence on the other hand. Three problems need to be addressed in order to implement a practical system:

At this point two general classes of requirements have been identified:

  1. Direct Viewpoints

    Direct viewpoints correspond to clients who receive services from the system and send data and control information to the system. In other words, they are the system's users and operators.

  2. Indirect Viewpoints

    Indirect viewpoints have an interest in some or all of the services which are delivered by the system, but do not interact directly with it. Indirect viewpoints may generate requirements that constrain the services delivered to direct viewpoints (e.g., fire code regulations; design code requirements).

Figures 5 and 6 are taken from a paper by Kotonya and Sommerville (1996) and show a general viewpoints model, and a hierarchy of classes for viewpoints.

[Requirements 6]

Figure 5. Process Model for View Oriented Requirements

[Requirements 7]

Figure 6. Abstract Classes for Viewpoint Requirements

The first step in Figure 5 is identification of relevant viewpoints for a problem domain, and structuring them. Step two is requirements documentation (e.g., name, requirements, constraints ... and requirements source). The final step is specification of all requirements in an appropriate form. Appropriate notational forms include textual descriptions of requirements, design code equations, and system models.

The class hierarchy shown in Figure 6 is by no means generic, and each organization will need to generate a hierarchy appropriate to its organizational structure and project needs.

The combined purpose of a formal model to support systems viewpoints, and a class hierarchy of viewpoints, is analysis procedures that will establish correctness of the requirements, and expose conflicting requirements across all viewpoints.

Generation of Derived Requirements

One of the key purposes of engineering analysis is the assessment of performance functions for proposed systems. These performance functions are, in effect, derived requirements for expected system performance. See Figure 7.

[Requirements 4]

Figure 7. Generation of Derived Requirements

Example. In NASA's Mission to Planet Earth Project, NASA generates a small set of primary requirements (i.e., less than 1000 requirements) and passes them onto Hughes, a NASA contractor.

[Requirements 11]

With the primary requirements as input, Hughes derives a much larger set (e.g., tens-of-thousands) of requirements containing technical detail, system specifications etc...

Layers of Requirements

In large projects requirements may pass through several layers -- each new layer will add technical detail to the project specification. For example, in NASA's MTPE project, requirements are partitioned into four levels. They are:

  1. Level 1. Requirements at the Agency Level (e.g., NASA).

  2. Level 2. Requirements at the Project Level (e.g., EOSDIS).

  3. Level 3. Requirements at the Segments Level (e.g Functional and performance specifications for flight operations, science data processing, and communications management).

  4. Level 4. Requirements at the Element Level.

The Level 1 requirements will be written by the Agency and passed onto the prime contractor. The prime contractor will {\tt derive} requirements for levels 2 to 4, adding technical details of requirements as appropriate.

The overall goal is to map requirements between different levels and development phases to minimize over/under design, and to be able to identify project items that will be affected by a project change.

Levels of Requirements Compliance

Requirements that:

  1. Cannot be violated are called either critical or mandatory.

  2. Are desirable for implementation are called guidance requirements.

Information requirements are not requirements per se; they are non-binding statements intended to influence the context, meaning, and understanding of other more important requirements. Among these levels, mandatory requirements are subject to the most review, with the degree of review adjusted accordingly for guidance requirements and information statements.

Similar hierarchies of requirements importance are found in optimization circles, where we speak of hard and soft constraints. Hard constraints are those that must be satisfied. Soft constraints are those that may be traded off with one another, and with design objectives.

Acquisition of Design Requirements

The three main activities that contribute to the generation of a requirements specification are:

  1. Requirements Elaboration

    Requirements elaboration is the task of eliciting necessary design requirements and then giving formal representation to them as constraints. This process:

  2. Deriving Requirements

    Deriving requirements from an existing system, from the previous generation of the same engineering system, or via the synthetic analysis of the characteristics of a system.

  3. Iterative Refinement

    Iterative refinement of a prototype (the final version of the prototype may serve as the requirements specification).

In this section we focus on techniques for requirements acquisition. The standard techniques include: (1) interviews and questionnaires, (2) survey of documents/existing systems, (3) analysis of working practice, and (4) observation.

Requirements Questionnaires

Good requirements are stimulated by answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the system to accomplish in terms of operations and functional performance characteristics (range, accuracy, speed of performance, power output, widgets produced, liquid flow in gallons per hour, items processed per month, etc.)?

  2. When is the system needed? What are the consumer requirements? What is the expected operational life of the system?

  3. How is the system to be used in terms of hours of operation per day, number of on-off cycles per month, and so on?

  4. How is the system to be distributed and deployed? Where are the various elements of the system to be located, and for how long?

  5. What effectiveness requirements should the system exhibit? Effectiveness figures-of-merit may include factors for cost effectiveness, system effectiveness, availability, dependability, reliability, maintainability, and supportability.

  6. What are the environmental requirements for the system (temperature, humidity, shock and vibration, etc.)? Will the system be operated arctic, tropical areas, or mountainous or flat terrain, and what are the anticipated transportation, handling, and/or storage modes?

  7. How is the system to be supported throughout its life cycle? This includes a definition of levels of maintenance, functions at each level, and anticipated logistic support requirements (test and support equipment, supply support and spare/repair parts, personnel and training, transportation and handling requirements, facilities, software, and technical data).

  8. When the system becomes obsolete and/or when items are removed from the inventory, what are the requirements for disposal? Can specific items be reclaimed and recycled? What are the effects on the environment?

This approach to requirements acquisition is not without its limitations. One problem lies in the selection of questions ... we need to be very careful that all of the right questions are answered, and that the final product does not become skewed because the requirements acquisition phase failed to capture information from all of the important parties.


[OO development]

Figure 8. Operational Concept to Integrated Views for System Capability

In UML-driven development the generation of system requirements through use case modeling activities proceeds as follows:

Management of use cases should be viewed as akin to lifecycle management of requirements. Use cases need to be validated with users, and updated to mirror and reflect the changing needs of a project.

Click here for guidelines on creating domain models.

Click here for guidelines on developing use cases and use case diagrams.


Observations of scenario execution leads to the generation of requirements, which in turn, feed into the system behavior model.

[OO Behavior]

Figure 9. Pathway from Use Cases to Simplfied Models of System Behavior

In an object-driven problem formulation, scenarios are represented as objects and operations that can be applied to the objects. The third element of scenarios are rules governing the pathway of behavior, perhaps governed by the logical relationship among data/information in the system.

Sequence Diagrams

By describing an interaction between a set of objects collaborating to achieve an operation, sequence diagrams show the internal dynamic workings of a use case scenario. Sequence diagrams enable designers to perform three key tasks:

  1. Allocate behavior among boundary objects, entity objects and controllers that will become full objects in the system model.
  2. Show the detailed interactions that occur over time among the objects associated with each use case.
  3. Finalize the distribution of operations among classes.

One sequence diagram encompasses the basic and alternative courses of action within each use case. Sequence diagrams contain text for the use cases (shown down the left-hand side of the diagram), objects, messages and methods. The messages exchanged during the interaction explicitly appear on the diagram -- as shown in the diagram above. Objects participating in the collaboration are laid out along the horizontal axis. The vertical axis represents time.

  1. For each scenario, define the "desired" behavior in terms of a sequence diagram. This will involve message passing between objects (not classes).
  2. Using the object instances from Step 2, construct object classes and their associated state diagrams.
  3. For each use case, exercise the model to produce behavior. This "modeled" behavior can be represented as a sequence diagram.
  4. Compare the "desired" and "modeled" behavior. If they match, then proceed to a new behavior to be modeled, or proceed to the next level of object decomposition.

If the "desired" and "modeled" behavior do not match, then the object classes and their state diagrams need to be re-engineered. Alternatively, the "desired" behavior may have been poorly specified and needs to be re-engineered.

Collaboration Diagrams

Collaboration diagrams tie object models to behavior models. However, unlike sequence diagrams, time is not represented on a separate axis. Instead, the collaborating objects are shown with relationships that play a role in the collaboration (this means that collaboration diagrams tend to look like class diagrams). Messages are placed on the relevant relationships and are annotated with a sequence number to replace the missing time.

Features of this Approach

  1. It's Iterative and Incremental

    Multiple iterations occur between developing the domain model and identifying and analyzing the use cases. Other iterations occur as well -- the static model gets refined incrementally during successive iterations through the dynamic model (composed of use cases and sequence diagrams) ... see figure XXX.

  2. Requires a High Degree of Support for Traceability.

    At each step in the design process, developers refer back to the requirements in some way. Traceability also refers to the tracking of objects from their role in system analysis, to system design, to system testing.


Constraints are things that must be done or, conversely, must be avoided (ref. LA, 1997, pg. 44). They can express relations, complex interactions, and dependencies among elements of a system. For example, in the simple UML diagram:

[Requirements and Constraints]

Figure 10. Constrained Relationshiup between Systems A and B

systems of type A are constrained to be connected to one or two instances of systems of type B . The adjacent diagram shows a close relationship between "requirements" and "constraints."

[Requirements and Constraints]

Figure 11. Flowdown of Requirements and Constraints

Sometimes upper-level constraints will be decomposed into lower-level project requirements. For example, an external regulatory constraint (which can be viewed as a non-negotiable requirement) may trigger several lower level requirements that a project must fulfill. Conversely, upper-level requirements can become lower level constraints. For example, an external regulatory constraint may trigger a set of project requirements, which in turn, will trigger the need for lower-level constraints on system performance.

Dealing with Constraints in Design

Before constraints can be integrated into a process for systems design, it is important to consider the different ways in which constraints should be dealt with in design, Constraints can be classified according to the role they should play in trade-off studies:

Generally speaking, the number of constraints increases as a design evolves. A good design leaves sufficient options available in the final stages of development so that improvements and corrections can be made. A poor design pushes the designer into a corner where adjustments and tradeoffs are virtually impossible to make.

The most difficult constraints (or objectives) to deal with are those that are are continuous, have no optimal solution, but compete directly with other constraints (or objectives) for resources. In a product line of home computers for example, performance and features compete directly with cost. Designers must develop options that are technically noninferior in some areas and also non wasteful in others. The rules for dealing with these trade-offs are complex, interwined and imprecise.


In this course we define traceability as "any textual (or model or project) item which needs to be explicitly traced from another textual (or model or project) item in order to keep track of the dependencies between them. A traceability system can be formally defined as a semantic network in which nodes represent objects among which traceability is established through links of different types/strengths. This dependency-directed approach of maintaining consistency of design dates back at least to the work of Stallman and Sussman (Stallman, 1977).

Therefore, requirements traceability is an explicit tracing of requirements to other requirements, design elements, test requirements, and other supporting items such as design documentation .... Traceability mechanisms are important because they help to close major gaps in the development domain (e.g., mis-communication of data/information in team development).

Complex engineering systems (e.g., commercial aircraft or naval warship) may have hundreds-of-thousands, and possibly millions, of requirements, The tracing of requirements to details of the design (i.e., processes, activities, and components) is motivated by economics. Simply put, an error in the systems requirements document that remains undetected until the latter stages of project development is likely to be much more expensive to fix than one identified early on in a project.

Traceability also provides a means for guarding against under- and over-design.

For engineering systems development, design objects should be traceable back to the requirement(s) driving their need, and the functionality/behavior (i.e., use cases) required of the system.

Product-Related Traceability Links

Traceability mechanisms support the capture and usage of trace data (i.e., to document, parse, organize, edit, interlink, change, and manage requirements and traceability links between them.

[Requirements: Fig 1]

Figure 12. Mechanisms of Traceability in Requirements and Design.

Product-related traceability is (primarily) supported by two types of traceability link:

  1. Satisfies Links.

    Ensure that requirements are satisfied by the system. Relationships between one or more design implementation objects and requirement objects verified by compliance verification procedures (CVPs). Uses include:

  2. Dependency links.

    Help manage the dependencies among objects (typically at the same stage of development), often imposed by a constraint. Uses include:

    These links are accomplished through connectivity of requirements to sets of system components that satisfy them. These links may be indirectly derived. For example, a design component may be linked to requirements the former satisfies. The design component, in turn, may become a system component....

For the "use case -- requirements -- system design" problem domain, traceability links can be partition into three categories:

  1. Linking Use Cases to/from Requirements.

    Links are established from individual use cases forward to individual (or groups of) requirements. These links ensure that the system vision (as recorded in the use cases) is properly mapped to the system requirements. Links may also tie requirements back to the use cases from which they emanate. They allow for verification that the system meets the needs of the system users.

    Tracing requirements in this way allows designers to answer two key questions. Looking forward, designers can see the pathway from "use cases" to "groups of requirements." Looking backward, designers can see the connection between a particular group of requirements and system functionality (as represented by use cases). We can say things like "requirement A-1 depends-on use case A."

  2. Linking Requirements to/from Design.

    Links are established from requirements forward to design elements that are built in response to requirements. Links may also be connected from design elements back to the requirements from which the element emanates.

    Tracing requirements in this way allows designers to answer two key questions. Looking forward, designers can see how a requirement (or group of requirements) has actually been implemented in (and hopefully satisfied by) the design. Looking back, designers can see why a particular design element is needed.

  3. Linking System Modeling Viewpoints

    Connecting system modeling viewpoints enables designers to understand how trade-offs required for one discipline may impact other disciplines.

Process-Related Traceability Links

These links describe the history of actions taken in the process itself, including evolves-to (i.e., temporal evolution design objects) and rationale (i.e., rationale for the action is captured by a higher-level object).

  1. Evolved-to Links.

    Document the input-output relationships of actions leading from existing object(s) to new modified object(s). Uses include:

  2. Rational Links.

    Represent the rational behind objects or document the reasons for evolutionary steps. Uses include:

Link Semantics

Consider the following relationship maintained in a traceability table:

                  REQUIREMENT ---- LINKED-TO ---- DESIGN object.

The semantics of a given linkage depends on who is interpreting the relationship. An end user may view the relationship as a means to identify a design component that is generated by a requirement. A designer may view the same linkage as providing information on the requirement/constraint that restricts the design object(s). The semantics associated with a linkage is guided by the reasoning that the user will be performing with the linkage.

Meta-Models for Requirements Traceability

The meta-model framework defines: (1) the language in which traceability models can be defined, (2) A set of reference traceability models which can be customized within the scope defined by the meta model; (3) A database (possibly distributed) of actual traces, recorded under the chosen models.

[Traceability: Fig 1]

Figure 13. Elements of a Traceability Metamodel.

Each entity and link in the meta-model can be specialized and instantiated to create organizational and project-specific models. These models can be viewed as representing dimensions of traceability information, as shown in the adjacent table.

An Example
Rationale for design decisions.
Systems designer.
In the design documentation library or database.
Using tool A, B or C? Represented as a "Rational X justifies design decision Y" traceability link.
To facilitate understanding and communication with other developers, team members and so forth.
A the finalization of the design

Table 1. Dimensions of Traceability (adapted from Ramesh, 2001)

The dimensions of traceability information are as follows:

Low-End Users of Traceability

Industry experience indicates that low-end users of traceability tend to have problems that require less than about 1,000 requirements (viewed as a mandate from the project sponsors or for compliance with standards).

Users view traceability as a transformation of requirements documents to design. Hence, the main applications of traceability are: requirements decomposition, requirements allocation, compliance verification, change control.

[Traceabilit: Fig 2]

Figure 14. Metamodel for Low-End Users of Traceability.

Points to note are as follows:

  1. Typical low-end users view requirements traceability as providing a link from REQUIREMENTS to the actual system COMPONENTS that satisfy these requirements. Before this can happen, however, REQUIREMENTS must be derived from higher-level system requirements.

  2. Typical low-end users view requirements traceability as providing a Original and derived REQUIREMENTS and ALLOCATED to the system COMPONENTS. An "allocation table" is the common mechanism use to maintain this information. This simple two-way mapping between requirements and system components is used to ensure that there are COMPONENTS in the system that satisfy all requirements.

  3. In the compliance verification phase of systems development, low-end users employ the requirements database to develop system compliance verification procedures.

Typically, low-end users lack support for capturing rationale for requirements issues and how they are resolved. Similarly, information also tends to be missing from the design and analysis phases of development.

High-End Users of Traceability

Industry experience indicates that high-end users of traceability tend to have problems that require, on average, about 10,000 requirements (viewed as a major opportunity for customer satisfaction and knowledge creation throughout the system lifecycle). They view traceability as an opportunity to increase the probability of producing a system that meets all customer requirements, is easier to maintain, and can be produced within cost and on schedule.

Due to the significant size and complexity of systems under consideration, high-end traceability employs much richer schemes of traceability (e.g., capture of discussion issues, decisions and rationale product-related and process-related dimensions) than their low-end counterparts. Problems associated with the former can be classified as follows:

  1. Requirements Management

    Systems are created to satisfy organizational, stakeholder, operational and strategic needs.

    System objectives must be justified by organizational needs. As part of the negotiation process among stakeholders, many trade-offs are made in deciding the scope and functionality of the system based upon their impact on critical success factors (CSFs) (or in GE nomenclature, measures of effectiveness).

    Not all requirements are of equal significance or criticality -- high-end systems account for the relative importance of requirements in supporting the design process.

  2. Rationale Submodel

    The specification, elaboration, decomposition, derivation and modification of OBJECTS (e.g., requirements, designs) generate issues or conflicts (due to differing interpretations, assumptions, interests, viewpoints and stakeholder objectives). Traceability pathways of rationale enable accountability (e.g., what changes have been made; why and how they were made), particularly to stakeholders not directly involved in creation of the requirement.

    Information about how to resolve these issues must be maintained throughout the system lifecycle to the ensure customer requirements are understood and satisfied.

    For example, various alternatives that address the resolution of issues are normally considered. Arguments for and against each alternative may be proposed.

    A complete and detailed capture of rationale may be impractical due to the lack of tools. However, simple descriptions of rationale on which requirements or design are based may be recorded along with the assumptions behind them.

  3. Design/Allocation

    This term refers to the activity that creates artifacts, including implementation. Key elements are REQUIREMENTS that drive DESIGN, which in turn are based on mandates such as standards, policies or methods. Requirements are allocated to components.

    Components are also organized into hierarchies and networks -- we would like some form of traceability to record relationships among components.

  4. Compliance and Verification

    Compliance and verification procedures (CVPs) are developed to ensure that each requirement is satisfied (If a requirement cannot be tested, then by definition, it is no longer a requirement).

Note. Low-end requirements traceability tends to focus on items (3) and (4).


Fluctuating and Conflicting Requirements

Good requirements specifications provide stability in the midst of project change. One way that they provide stability is by acting as the project memory, since they stay constant as employees come and go, and as design changes occur. The key issue is not whether requirements will or can change, but how to control and manage their change. Fluctuating and conflicting requirements may be due to market impacts, company impacts and hidden impacts. The causes of each impact are as follows:

Market Impact
  • Customers needs changes.
  • Customers needs are added to.
  • Technology advances ....
  • Advances in competitors products.
  • Standards committees ...
  • Government regulation ...
Company Impact
  • Marketing, legal, financial ...
  • Research and development results ...
  • Other products ...
Hidden Impact
  • Creeping elegance, hidden features ....

Table 2. Causes of Requirements Change and their Market/Company/Hidden Impact

In systems engineering, the mechanism of changing requirements is the process of baseline control and configuration management.

Configuration Management

Requirements are an essential component of systems design because of their ability to provide stability to a project that is constantly in a flux of change. Sometimes the changes in requirements are planned, and sometimes they aren't. For example, a change in requirements can occur because the end users did not foresee all of the opportunities for a system's use. Other common reasons for change are revisions to the objectives of a program, advances in technology, budgetary changes, schedule changes, natural disasters, and so forth. Sometimes a requirement change is caused by the identification of an inadvertently overlooked constraint. When a contractor fails to meet a contractual/legal agreement, then such a realization can cause a chain of requirements to be invalidated.

Configuration management is the discipline of identifying selected elements of a system at discrete points in time for the purposes of systematically controlling changes to the configuration, and maintaining the integrity and traceability of the configuration throughout the system life cycle. Configuration management is composed of four parts:


Identification is the careful selection of all hardware and software items that control must be maintained over. Maintaining control means that at any point in time, you are able to report on what the system consists of, what changes are being proposed, what have been accomplished, and what effects (if any) these changes have had on the ability of the system to meet original requirements.

Baselines are established throughout the implementation process to provide increasing degrees of control as the system product matures.

Figure 15. System Life Cycle Baselines

Figure 15 shows that there are at least five logical points that can be used to establish baselines for the purposes of configuration management. They are:

  1. Functional Baseline

    Typically established at the conclusion of the functional requirements. The functional requirements document is written prior to the system requirements review (SRR), and in many cases provides the basis for a request for a proposal.

  2. Allocated Baseline

    Normally established after the preliminary design review (PDR), and prior to the detailed design. It represents the point in the engineering design where required system performance has been allocated through the system specifications to specific hardware and software configuration items and subsystems.

  3. Design Baseline

    Normally established following detailed design, and at the conclusion of critical design review (CDR). This is the baseline to which all subsequent hardware and software implementations must adhere.

  4. Product Baseline

    Established prior to production. System and subsystem specifications, initial fabrication, system integration, and test and factory readiness are all complete.

  5. Operational Baseline

    This baseline is the basis for all continuing system maintenance and product improvement phases.

As each baseline is established, formal methods for control of changes to that baseline are also established (see configuration control below).

Configuration Control.

Configuration control is the formal set of policies and procedures for requesting, evaluating, and accepting (or rejecting) proposed changes, corrections, or waivers to a configuration item. Configuration control is maintained on the current baseline and all previous baselines. So, for example, a change to the physical hardware/software will result in changes to all supporting documentation as well.

  1. Auditing

    Configuration auditing is the process of determining the extent to which the current configuration baseline conforms to the previous baseline, and to the original functional requirements (functional baseline).

    This process involves verification and validation. Verification is the process of determining if the configuration items of a given baseline meet the requirements of the previous baseline. Validation is the process of determining if a given baseline still solves the intended problem. Validation involves traceability of a design to original requirements.

  2. Status Accounting

    Status accounting is the administrative function that maintains a formal record of each configuration item, including their definition, change requests, change approvals, and progress towards implementation.

Change Control

Figure 16 is a flow-chart of activities in the evaluation of changes to a project's requirements.

Figure 16. Flow Chart of Decisions in Change Evaluation

Points to note about this chart are as follows:

  1. Irrespective of how the details of change will occur, the process of requirements change should begin with an established baseline consisting of requirements documents that have been reviewed, approved, and agreed to by all parties.

  2. Prior to the release of this document, care should be taken to ensure all specified requirements are necessary, realistic, and achievable.

  3. When the need arises the configuration control process should proceed in a uniform and disciplined manner. The results of a change evaluation will cause old tasks to be replaced by new tasks.

Guidelines for Change Implementation

Here are some hints on how to implement changes in requirements:

  1. Accept the need to change the plan and direction of a project, and in some cases, even the concept of a project.

  2. Don't let the potential for change divert the continuing baseline effort. People can waste a lot of time/resources playing ``what if'' scenarios?

  3. Assess change thoroughly before implementing it -- see Figure \ref{figure-change-evaluation}. Such an examination may include the technical approach, planning of the impact of change, staffing and financial resources needed for the intended change.

  4. Don't start change process until authorized. Priority must go to current contractual work authorizations and terms.

  5. Make the changed plan the only plan.

Pre-planned Change versus Responsive Change

  1. Pre-planned changes differ responsive changes by being defined as part of the overall program. This means that effort may be spread over multiple project phases and anticipated changes can be used to reduce risk and spread out budget impacts.

  2. Pre-planned changes differ responsive changes by being defined as part A major difference is the lead time for planning. Managing pre-planned change has the same steps as steps for responsive change. In pre-planned change, budgetary decisions can be made earlier, often with less data.

Monitoring Requirements Consistency Among Contractors

Many of today's projects are so large that they are broken down into components. Individual components may be handled by separate contractors who will have their own computer networks for the management of requirements. In this case traceability can be easily lost as requirements distribution and management over many groups or unrelated companies becomes virtually impossible.

Figure 17. Monitoring Requirements Distributed Among Contractors

The purpose of Figure 17 is to show that when requirements are distributed, an independent authority may be needed just to monitor and trace requirements across disconnected networks in different geographic locations.


This case study is based on an article by Hutchings and Knox (Hutchings, 1995), which documents the issues concerning cultural change when a company moves from a product requirements definition process to customer driven product development. The objective is to ensure customer satisfaction and business readiness before a line of code is written, an electronic circuit designed, or a service defined.

Problem Statement

In 1993 the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sought to move from a technology-centric view of product development to a customer-centric view. Most important among these insights were the concept of ``whole products,'' which had the effect of broadening the requirements definition scope to include requirements for marketing massages, pricing, and packaging, as well as deployment and service scenarios.

Figure 18. Multiple View Product Development at DEC

Figure 18 shows that this move also required a shift in thinking about process, moving away from process as a series of sequenced procedures to one that describes a map of the product development terrain.

Need for Change

So why change? In an earlier review of business practices, DEC discovered that 40% of the requirements specified in the feasibility and requirements phase of the life-cycle were redefined at a later stage. As a result, DEC was forced to spend, on average, 50% more than initially budgeted.

The causes of requirements change included:

  1. Requirements for products were loosely defined. Business groups communicated the customer's needs to engineering -- misunderstanding were not uncommon.

  2. A technology-driven central engineering organization mistrusted the technical feasibility of requirements handed to them by business groups staffed with marketing and sales representatives, especially when the requirements were ambiguously framed and/or changed during the development cycle.

  3. At DEC, central engineering is isolated from direct contact with customers who use the products. Conflicts over priorities often arose between engineering groups and business groups. While the problems described were not found with every development effort studied, they were representative of the state of poorly managed requirements definition practices within the product development environment.

Best Practices

The same internal review also identified a number of best practices, namely:

  1. Cross-functional teams reduce misunderstandings and the time it takes to correct them.

  2. Direct customer involvement in requirements, definition was the single largest contributor to early agreement on product content by the cross-functional teams and subsequent reduction of requirements churn.

  3. Teams designated a dedicated ``design room'' which they filled with non-traditional artifacts intended to capture and make public their understandings and agreements of requirements and specifications. These ``artifacts" included wall-sized diagrams of the customer environment, hierarchies of problems encountered, matrices showing key customers and markets and their respective attributes, and priority lists of the benefits and capabilities desired, as well as hand-drawn storyboards of the product's use and nonfunctional GUIs that could be easily tested and revised.

  4. For a few design teams, requirements change control was a central part of the design process. These teams would agree up front on methods for evaluating request to change or add new requirements and for clearly delineating cost-benefit criteria on which change criteria would be based.

New Requirements Management Process

A requirements management re-engineering team was formed in response to the data collected. Team members were from key organizations (hardware and software), and key functions (engineering, business and marketing).

The team adopted a Level 2 SEI/CMM requirements management model, where agreed-on requirements are managed and actually built into the product. However, since the issue of ``right requirements'' was found to be a root cause of requirements churn and schedule overrun as experienced in many of the product development efforts at DEC, a nine-step modified design process was developed. The steps are:

  1. Understand system business needs -- this step includes formation of the cross-functional teams, with membership from at least the engineering, marketing and business functions.

  2. Gather customer information. Customer information is needed to understand the problem to be solved from a customer perspective.

  3. Translate needs into an internally consistent list of requirements. In other words, customer needs are translated into a concrete set of action-able requirements.

  4. Develop and prove key enabling concepts. Resolve disagreements on which technologies are best for bringing the customers needs into being.

  5. Compare selected methods to competition. This information is vital to helping understand the product's positioning in the customer's mind.

    The outcome from this point can be points/strategies for market leverage.

  6. Define (via diagram) top-level sub-system dependencies and contractual commitments.

    An internal study found that while most projects were good at identifying their subsystem dependencies, the pathway from these dependencies to a ``dialogue for commitment'' was often lacking. Hence participants in a project sometimes had difficulty in understanding why they were supporting one another.

  7. Freeze product requirements while the low-level design are worked out.

  8. Freeze product requirements while the low-level design are worked out. Determine impacts of proposed change. There will always be continued impetus to change requirements, perhaps from the customers, perhaps from the developers.

    New requirements proposals should be accompanied by a detailed cost-benefit analysis.

  9. Update products requirements definition. This step is meant to ensure that all of the project pieces (specifications, requirements, project plans) are represented and fit together properly.

While this list of steps might suggest sequential execution, in practice, there is a great deal of iteration and concurrency, as indicated by the big arrow in Figure 18.

Experiences with Pilot Implementation

Several problems were encountered with the pilot implementation:

  1. Many product development personnel have expectations that knowledge-driven, creative processes such as requirements management are similar in execution to deterministic, manufacturing time processes. The teams that were very satisfied with their results had in common, a view of process as a guide, not as a deterministic sequence of procedures.

  2. The work of the cross-functional team focused primarily on engineering deliverables. Marketing personnel did not see their work showing up in the requirements management process. In fact, analysis of the data found that nearly all of the important marketing deliverables were missing from the requirements management process. These included:


How do we capture, represent and use knowledge through requirements engineering activities?

Figure 19. Requirements Engineering WBS and Industry Toolset Weakensses. (For details, see Ramesh and Jarke, 2001)

Specific Limitations of Present-Day Tools (Selberg, 2002)

  1. Thick Descriptions. Current tools lack the ability to store informal representations (i.e., so-called thick descriptions) of systems conveying information along subtle or implied lines.

  2. Model Driven Trace Capture and Usage. Current tools lack mechansms for "easy linking" of models into the design environment (e.g., SLATE).

  3. Abstraction Mechanisms. Current tools lack the ability to search and explore requirements at various levels of abstraction.

  4. Inference Services. Current tools are incapable of analyzing requirements for completeness or consistency. Search mechanisms are limited to keywords, which can be limiting for custom jargon in multidisciplinary and multilingual projects.


  1. The glue that holds the system together is the basic modeling methodology.
  2. The loose coupling between knowlede domains and between CAD applications, and between knowledge repositories supports robust ad-hoc incremental development.
  3. Basic web-based infrastructure, which includes web-servers, application servers, and web browsers is already ubiquitous.

The Semantic Web Layer Cake

Figure 20. The Semantic Web Layer Cake (Berners-Lee, 2002).

The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web.

  1. It aims to give information a well-defined meaning, thereby creating a pathway for machine-to-machine communication and automated serives based on descriptions of semantics.

  2. XML files and web resources capture objects and classes. XML separates structure from presentation.

  3. RDF (resource description framework) describes relationships between objects and classes in a general but simple way. RDF separates content from structure, thereby allowing for the merging of multiple conceptual models.

  4. Ontologies provide a formal conceptualization (semantic representation) of a particular domain shared by a group of people.

  5. Ontology-based applications will be built on top of the Semantic Web infrastructure (i.e., XML, RDF and ontologies)

Ingredients in the Semantic Web Infrastructure

The Semantic Web will be a composition of knowledge, languages, tools, readers ... etc. The challenge ahead is "how to fuse AI techniques (logic) and web storage (XML, RDF, RDF schema) in a way that will allow machine-to-machine communication?"

Figure 21. Semantic Web Ingredients (Berners-Lee, 2001).

XML-based markup languages provide a "unversal" storage and interchange format for web-distributed knowledge representation. Because information is stored in hierarchies, parsers can be easily written to validate and process large quantities of data. The ability to fuse information hierarchies is limited because the union of two trees may be best represented by a graph!!!!

The resource description framework (RDF) employs a graph data model to describe resourses that are directly and indirectly accessible via the Web. For example, a web page (or part of a web page) is a resource that is directly accessible. A person is a resource that might be indirectly accessible. The RDF data model is designed to be very general, which means that it is also very simple. The basic model contains just the concept of an assertion (e.g., a property of a resource), and the concept of a quotation -- that is, making assertions about assertions.

The useful functionality of the RDF data model comes from layers on top of RDF. To perform basic logic and reasoning we need, for example, definitions of vocabularies via ontology languages. We also need the ability to constrain the way in which data is used.

RDF schemas are web resources (that have URI's) that declare the existence of a new property and constraints on the way in which it can be used. RDF schemas are described in RDF. The key benefit in using RDF schemas to define ontologies (which in turn are written in RDF), is that all languages use the same data model. This simplifies interoperability of models.

The next layer is the logical layer. We need ways of writing logic into documents that will allow (among other things) for: (1) the checking of a document against a set of rules for self-consistency; (2) the deduction of one type of document from a document of another type; and (3) the resolution of a query by conversion of terms unknown to terms known (Berners-Lee, 1998). One such effort is the DAML+OIL model, an expressive web ontology language that is designed to describe the structure of a domain in terms of classes and objects (i.e., in object-oriented terms), and the formal rigor of an expressive description logic. DAML+OIL is the union of two efforts -- DAML is an acronym for the US DARPA Agent Markup Language (for details, see OIL is an acronym for the Ontology Inference Layer (for details, see

In the DAML+OIL model, an ontology consists of a set of axioms that assert relationships between classes and objects. DAML+OIL classes can be names (i.e., URI's = universal resource index) or expressions. The expressive power of the language is determined by the class and property constructors, and axioms supported, The logical basis of the language means that reasoning services can be provided, both to support ontology design and to make DAML+OIL described web resources more accessible to automated processes (Horrocks, 2001).

Transfer of Semantic Web Technologies to Requirements Engineering

What is the minumum level of Semantic Web Technology that can mitigate (and hopefully overcome) limitations in present-day tools?

Figure 22. Requirements Engineering WBS (Create Branch) to Semantic Layer Cake (Selberg, 2002).

Figure 23. Requirements Engineering WBS (Use Branch) to Semantic Layer Cake (Selberg, 2002).

Anticipated Challenges and Trade-Offs in Design

In figuring out how "requirements engineering" methodologies and tools can benefit from Semantic Web technologies, it is likely that we have to deal to some interesting trade-offs in the capabilities of technologies:

A key question is: can we get the best of both worlds and apply these techniques to a new generation of "requirements engineering" tools?

References and Web Resources

  1. Berners-Lee T., "Semantic Web Roadmap", See, September 1998.
  2. Berners-Lee T., "SemTab", See, 2002.
  3. Horrocks I., "DAML+OIL: A Description Logic for the Semantic Web," Bulletin of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering, 2001.
  4. Hutchings A.F., Knox S.T., Creating Products Customers Demand, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 72-80, 1995.
  5. Kotoyna G., Sommerville I., Requirements Engineering with Viewpoints, Software Engineering Journal, pp. 5-18, January, 1996.
  6. Ramesh B., and Jarke M., "Toward Reference Models for Requirements Traceability," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 27., No. 1., January 2001, pp. 58-93.
  7. Selberg S., "Requirements Engineering and the Semantic Web," M.S. Thesis, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, April 2002.

Developed in February 2001 by Mark Austin
Copyright © 2001-2002, Mark Austin, University of Maryland