[Left] [Up] [Right] Project 1. Java Enabled Diagram Technology (2000-2003) [Left] [Up] [Right]

XML Document to Application Pathway

The eXtended markup language (XML) is a metalanguage -- that is, a language for describing other languages -- that allows people and computers to search for and exchange scientific, engineering and business data/information.

[XML DOM Tree ]

Figure 1. XML Document to Java Application Processing Pathway

Phase 1. Explore feasibility of XML to Java Applet Pathway (Sep't 1999 - August 2000)

Design XML vocabulary, tag set structure for markup of diagrams and diagram pathways, and XML-to-Java source code compiler.

[XML to Java Applet Development Pathway ]

Figure 2. XML to Java Applet Pathway

Phase 2. Develop Platform-Independent Diagram Editor (June, 2001 -- present)

Create a click-and-drop editor for development of "Collections of Java-Enabled Diagrams." knowledge capture for systems engineering is enabled through:

  • Diagram annotation features,
  • Links to heterogenous data and information sources on the web, and
  • File and database storage.

[Integrated Environment ]

Figure 3. Tools and Technologies for Knowledge Capture in Systems Engineering

We are currently working on the right-hand side of this diagram. Future versions of the editor will import of XML representations of diagrams, requirements, and systems stored in commerical databases (e.g., Oracle).

Section 9-2: April, 2003. [Left] [Up] [Right]