Requirements Engineering and the Semantic Web

Systems Colloquium Presentation, U.C. Berkeley, April 10, 2003

By: Mark Austin (....with help from Natasha Kositsyna, Vimal Mayank, Scott Selberg)

Table of Contents Contact Information and Project Participants

  1. Our Definition of Systems Engineering
  2. Case Study: NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) System.
  3. Major Challenges facing the Practising Systems Engineer
  4. Guiding Principles. We promote:
    • Function-Architecture Co-Design and Orthogonalization of Design Concerns
    • Use of Technology-Independent System-Level Design Representations
    • Automation for Multidisciplinary Information-Based Design
    • Reuse at all levels of Abstraction/ Object-Relational Database Storage.
  5. Systems Engineering Research and Education at ISR
  6. Requirements Engineering
    • Definition. Requirements Engineering Work Breakdown Structure
    • Low-End Models of Product and Process Traceability
    • State-of-the-Art Capability for Requirements Management Tools
  7. Requirements Engineering and the Semantic Web
    • Systems of Systems
    • The Second-Generation (Semantic) Web/ Semantic Web Layer Cake
    • Mapping the Requirements Engineering Work Breakdown Structure to layers of technology in the Semantic Web
  8. Research Agenda (2000-2003)
    • Project 1. Java-Enabled Diagram Technology.
    • Project 2. An XML/RDF Traceability Viewer.
    • Project 3. Formal Methods for the Synthesis of Modular Systems with Real-Time Rule Checking.
  9. Conclusions and Future Work.
      Project 4. Formal Methods for the Synthesis of Sensor Networks in Buildings.

Institute for Systems Research,
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742.

E-mail :

Univ. of MD Project Participants: Mark Austin, John Baras, Bernie Frankpitt, Jim Hendler, Vimal Mayank, Natasha Kositsyna, Deep Saraf, Scott Selberg.

Industry Participants: James Adams (Manager, Global Precipitation Measurement Group, NASA Goddard). David Everett (Systems Engineer, NASA Goddard). Michael Krok (GE Research and Development). Paul Robitaille (Corporate Fellow, Lockheed Martin).

Sponsors: National Science Foundation, GE Research and Development, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

In the pipeline: Lockheed Martin Aerospace, Ft. Worth, TX.

Motivation and Need for Information-Centric Systems Engineering

Our Definition of Systems Engineering

Despite 30 years of history, systems engineering still means many things to many people (but, actually, the same is true of Civil Engineerin and it's been around for centuries). A few of the most commonly used texts contain at least 20-30 definitions of systems engineering. I happen to like:

Systems engineering supports the evolution of information, punctuated by decision making.

At first this leads you to believe that "systems engineering is all things to all people," which of course runs the danger of delivering almost nothing to most.

To avoid falling into that trap, we are very explicit about what systems engineering means to us:

Methodologies and tools for the front-end synthesis of large-scale engineering systems,
supported by appropriate information abstractions, models,
and advanced techniques for manipulating information.

For this "working definition and vision" to be realized, we need methodologies for the synthesis of systems from modular components, support for team developments, ways to handles large volumes of heterogeneous data and, of cource, procedures for quantitative decision making.

The "front-end" part of our definition and focus is key because this is where decisions have the largest impact on commitment of funds in a project and, also, greatest opportunity for improvements.

Discipline Maturity

From a research and software development perspective, I think systems engineering is in exactly that same spot as finite elements, late 1960s. The problems aren't simple, but there are lots of opportunities for contributions.

Why Systems Engineering is Important?

[Complex Systems] Over the past fifteen years there have been several important reasons and developments that have rendered systems engineering methodologies, tools, and educational programs critical. They are:

  1. Rapid changes in technology;

  2. Fast time-to-market most critical;

  3. Increasing pressure to lower costs;

  4. Increasing higher performance requirements;

  5. Increasing complexity of systems/products;

  6. Increased presence of embedded information and automation systems; and

  7. Failures due to lack of systems engineering.

70% of product and system failures are due to bad or no Systems Engineering effort, as our industry advisors (General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman) and collaborators have frequently stated.

Case Study: NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) System
[Spacecraft Image1]

Science Mission

Provide satellite coverage and sampling strategy to (Adams, 2001):

Systems Architecture

Form rain measuring constellation using co-op satellites from other programs suitable passive microwave radiometers dedicated to GPM mission:

[Spacecraft Image1]

Program Budget, Participants, and Schedule

GPM performance depends on sucessful partnerships -- space segment; ground segment; validation segment; research segment.

GPM Trade Space

The GPM trade space includes:

Major Challenges Facing the Practising Systems Engineer

The NASA GPM project contains elements of the major challenges facing the practising systems engineer:

Support for Team Development

Today's industry requires that teams of experts from multiple disciplines/domains work together on the solution of complex problems (e.g., integrated product teams (IPTs)). These teams may be geographically dispersed and mobile.

We need to maintain a shared view of the project objectives, and at the same time focus on specific tasks. See Figure 2.

[System Concerns]

Figure 1. Elements of Team-Based Development

A key challenge is avoiding communication and interpretation problems -- everyone needs to know what they are supposed to be working on, and when it's due!

Extended Project Duraation

In most large systems engineering projects, the team working on a project at its inception has probably retired before the project is completed.

Methodologies and tools are needed for the capture of knowledge (i.e., understanding of a problem domain; pathway of decision making) so that all is not lost when an employee leaves.

Synthesis from Modular Components

The prevalence of synthesis from modular components is no longer true just for aerospace, defense and large government contracts (systems engineering started with Aerospace Engineering). Instead it is required in all commercial designs and operations.

[System decomposition, synthesis and reuse]

Figure 2. Top-down decomposition and bottom-up synthesis coupled to reuse of objects/sub-systems.

This so-called ``systems integration'' has become key and perhaps the most profitable engineering practice.

Growing Importance of Information-Driven Systems

In the Past

Systems have been seen from an operations point of view, where information and communications have been regarded as the supply of services necessary for the system to operate in pre-defined ways.


There is a rapidly evolving trend towards the development of large-scale information-dominated systems, which exploit COTS and communications technologies, have superior performance and reliability, and are derived in response to various types of information drawn from a wide array of sources.

Simply put -- these systems have functionality that would not be possible without an ability to gather and work with data/information.



In a modern automobile, the electronics and communication systems account for 30% of the overall cost.

[Car - Information]

Figure 3. Electronics and Communications in a Modern Car. (Source: A.S. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, EE 249, UC Berkeley, Fall 2002.)

Large Volumes of Heterogeneous Data

Current and future data are in large volumes (not all relevant), numerically intensive (often requiring parallel algorithms for processing), multidimensional, heterogeneous, distributed, typically worked on specialized search engines, and represent multiple views (to the various users from engineering team members, to marketing, to sales people, to management, and to customers).

Example 1. Sensor Networks for NASA's GPM Project

Estimates of rainfall made in space need to be callibrated against Ground Station Measurements.

From Space
Dual frequency radar and multi-frequecy radiometer.

From Ground-Level
Rain Gauges

Example 2. Sensor Networks for Security of Buildings

Multiple sensor modalities must be used for the detection and classification of intruder and chemical/biological threats to a busy building. All sensors should be connected via a wireless network.

Information processing must be able to work with a variety of data formats:

Key research challenges include:

Systems Engineering Research and Education at ISR

Systems engineering activities complement (and support) those of the traditional engineering disciplines.

[System Scope]

Figure 4. What's Systems Engineering?

Our goals for Systems Engineering Research and Education at ISR are to formulate and provide formal (model-based) methodologies for "liason among disciplines" and "systems analysis and trade-off."

Economic Considerations

[Knowledge Gap]

Figure 5. So-called "Knowledge Gap" in Systems Development

Importance of Frontend Development

[Knowledge Gap]

Figure 6. Desired Goal for Improved Design Flexibility

Research Challenges

  1. Identify and address key research challenges facing "synthesis of engineering systems."
  2. How to codify this knowledge into systematic methodologies and tools for the "synthesis of engineering systems?"
  3. How to find a practical way of using web technology to enhance: (a) classroom instruction, and (b) self-guided "post-training" instruction.

Guiding Principles for the Development of Complex Systems

We promote:

Use of Technology-Independent System-Level Design Representations

Enhanced Systems Engineering Management through Design/Requirements Representations Connected by Mappings and Traceability

Management of Complexity through Orthogonalization of Design Concerns

Quantitative Procedures for System Evaluation, Optimization and Trade-Off

Automation for Multidisciplinary Information-Based Design

Reuse at All Levels of Abstraction

High Level of Abstraction
Low Level of Abstraction
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML),
  • Technical drawings,
  • Ontologies (Semantic Web).
  • Three dimensional geometric models,
  • Engineering simulation packages.

Use of Object-Relational Database Storage

Requirements Engineering

Elements of Requirements Engineering

Requirements engineering bridges the gap between organizational-level and project-level concerns.

Figure 13. Requirements Bridge the Gap between Organization- and Project-Level Development.

Requirements engineering addresses the development and validation of methods for eliciting, representing, analyzing, and confirming system requirements and with methods for transforming requirements into specifications for design and implementation.

Figure 14. Components of the Requirements Engineering Process

How do we capture and represent knowledge through requirements engineering activities?

Problem Size and Complexity

There are a plethora of examples:

The only economically feasible approach to managing this complexity is by automating parts of the reasoning process with inference services.

Writing Requirements and Specifications

Requirements and specifications need to be written in a manner that balances two key aspects: (1) they should be readable, and (2) they should lend themselves to various forms of automated processing.

Table 1 summarizes the key features of requirements and specifications.

Initial requirements are informal, incomplete, and often ambiguous .... Specifications are based upon a detailed knowledge of a product and its (required or established) capabilities...
The system should ....
The system must ....
Requirements and capabilities:
  • The system (input) requirements are ....
  • The system (output) capabilities are ....
  • You'll need to make sure .....
  • Natural language sentences.
  • Technical sentences (e.g., written in BNF).
  • UML-like class diagrams for system structure.
  • UML-like FSM/statechart and activity diagrams for system behavior.
  • Equations, charts, tables .....
  • Design rules .....
Validation of requirements supported by traceability to specifications and design subsystems/objects. Verification of specifications supported by formal testing procedures, numerical simulations of system behavior, experiments in the lab ... etc.

Table 1. Comparison of Requirements and Specifications

Low-End Models of Product and Process Traceability

Product Traceability
Product traceability mechanisms connect requirements to elements of the design.

Figure 15. Components of the Requirements Engineering Process

Two key questions need to be answered:

  1. From the requirements side ... how is each requirement taken into account in thd design?
  2. From the design side ... why is this design element needed?

Requirements-to-design traceability ensures that the design takes all of the requirements into account. Design-to-requirements traceability ensures that design elements are actually needed.

Process Traceability
Traceability can also be applied to the sequence of decisions defining the underlying development process, e.g., traceablity of rationale to specific decisions, decisions to actions items ...etc.

State-of-the-Art Capability for Requirements Management Tools (e.g., DOORS and SLATE).

Organizing requirements into the right structure can help:

Telelogic DOORS (...used across GE businesses; LM Aerospace)

Telelogic DOORS is an Enterprise requirements managment system.

Figure 16. Representation of Requirements in DOORS

DOORS does not explicitly support system viewpoints.

Case Study Application: Lockheed Martin Aerospace, Ft. Worth, TX

Joint Strike Fighter Project. 30 year duration. Budget $200 Billion.
Lockheed is unveiling a new, four-pronged architecture:

SLATE (System Level Tool for Enterprises) (...used by NASA Goddard; Northrop Grumman)

An application is modeled as a network of connected requirements and design abstraction hierarchies.

Traceablity Links and Translational Mappings (TRAMs)

Relationships define connectivity between requirements and abstraction blocks in the design hierarchy.

Translational Mappings (TRAMs) define relationships between different system abstraction block hierarchies. TRAMs allow for cause-and-effect relationships among "design disciplines" to be modeled.

Sample Screendumps

Example 1. A screen of requirements ....

Figure 17. Representation of Requirements in SLATE.

Example 1. An abstraction block hierarchy with translational mappings among (TRAMs) viewpoints.

Figure 18. Representation of Abstraction Block Hierarchy and Translational Mappings (TRAMs) in SLATE.

Critical Assessment of Present-Day Systems Engineering Tools (e.g., DOORS and SLATE).

Lessons Learned from Industry

  1. Support for Team Development
    DOORS and SLATE both support a top-down approach to systems development. Tools for integrating the work of separate teams is missing.
  2. Visualization
    DOORS and SLATE do not support domain-specific visualization of engineering systems. Now that Javascript and XSLT are here, this limitation can be mitigated.
  3. Process
    DOORS and SLATE are designed to be process-independent tools -- that is, a company supposedly use the tool to enhance any high-level systems engineering process.
    Company training procedures focus on step-by-step procedures for low-level tasks. In practice, many employees have great difficulty in scheduling these low-level tasks to match organizational processes.

Specific Limitations of Present-Day Tools (Selberg, 2002)

Figure 19. Requirements Engineering WBS and Industry Toolset Weakensses. (For details, see Ramesh and Jarke, 2001)

  1. Thick Descriptions.
    Current tools lack the ability to store informal representations (i.e., so-called thick descriptions) of systems conveying information along subtle or implied lines.
  2. Model Driven Trace Capture and Usage.
    Current tools lack mechansms for "easy linking" of models into the design environment (e.g., SLATE).
  3. Abstraction Mechanisms.
    Current tools lack the ability to search and explore requirements at various levels of abstraction.
  4. Inference Services.
    The lack of "inference services" in the work breakdown structure impacts the systems engineering process in several ways. Current tools are incapable of analyzing requirements for completeness or consistency. Search mechanisms are limited to keywords, which can be limiting for custom jargon in multidisciplinary and multilingual projects.

Second-Generation (Semantic) Web

System of Systems [Systems of systems]

A system of systems is a collection of independently useful systems which have been glued together to achieve further emergent properties.

The primary design focus is on the interfaces, specifically the communication standards, as very little can be done to modify the monolithic systems (Selberg, 2000).

Management and Communication Styles for System-of-Systems

There are three management styles which influence the communication style: coerced (directed), collaborative, and chaotic (virtual) (Maier, 1999; Maier, 2000).

  1. Coerced Systems of Systems

    In a coerced, or directed, system of systems there is a central entity which can dictate behavior.

    Example -- Windows Operating System

    The Windows Operating System dictates certain behaviors of the software applications that run under it.

  2. Collaborative Systems of Systems

    A collaborative system of system is composed of several systems working together for synergistic effects.

    Example -- Transportation Services at an Airport

    [Collaborative SoS]

    Here the "taxi" and "airplane" systems work together to provide a chain of services neither could provide by themselves. Airports provide the appropriate interfaces to these systems.

  3. Chaotic Systems of Systems

    Chaotic (or virtual) systems of systems have no management structure.

    Examples -- The Internet and Open Source Software Development

    The Internet operates only on recommended standards which the various systems voluntarily adopt.

    [Collaborative SoS] [Collaborative SoS]

    Chaotic systems of systems work because the various systems find the interface standards to be advantageous. Companies build web pages which adhere to the HTML standard not because they have to, but because it is economically advantageous to.

Requirements Engineering

Monolithic Model of Requirements Engineering

A requirements management system, one which is concerned with the creation and use of the requirements for a given project, can be implemented as a monolithic system.

Chaotic System of Systems Model of Requirements Engineering

But as soon as the need to leverage or reuse the requirements across projects, companies, and industries is found, a monolithic system approach is no longer viable.

[SoS Requirements]

The chaotic system of systems is a more appropriate model because every project, company, and industry will operate based on personal needs and desires. Thus, an open standard is needed which will allow the various systems to share a common data structure and build customized tools to meet the personal needs.

Research Approach

These are very similar tasks faced by the Internet. It is therefore a reasonable approach to compare the needs of a requirements engineering system to the Internet and look for solutions along parallel lines of thought.

Objectives of the Semantic Web

The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web. It aims to:


The Semantic Web Layer Cake

Figure 20. The Semantic Web Layer Cake (Berners-Lee, 2002).

The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web.

  1. URIs are just links in today's web. Unicode is 16-bit representation of (multilingual) characters.

  2. XML files and web resources capture objects and classes. XML separates structure from presentation. XML assumes data/information can be represented in hierarchies.

  3. RDF (resource description framework) describes relationships between objects and classes in a general but simple way. RDF separates content from structure, thereby allowing for the merging of multiple conceptual models. RDF represents data/information in graphs.

  4. Ontologies provide a formal conceptualization (semantic representation) of a particular domain shared by a group of people. Languages include: Darpa Agent Markup Language (DAML) and Web Ontology Language (OWL).

  5. The logic layer allows for reasoning. Languages include: RuleML. Reasoning tools include Jess and MANDARAX.

  6. Ontology-based applications will be built on top of the Semantic Web infrastructure (i.e., XML, RDF and ontologies)

Simple Example (... for how things will eventually work)

Today's search engines rely on "keywords."

[System Rules]

Suppose that we could represent facts on the web.

     Fact 1.  John and Mary are married.
     Fact 2.  Jane's best friend is Mary.

And suppose that the (ontology) conceptualization of this domain tells us:

     Concept 1.  If "a" is married to "b" then "a and b are friends"
     Concept 2.  If "a" and "b" are "best friends" then "a" then "b" are friends.
     Concept 3.  If "a" is a friend of "b" then "b" is a friend of "a."

With these facts and concepts in place, a semantic search engine should be able to accept queries of the type:

     Query 1.  Who are Mary's friends?

and answer with:

     Answer.  John and Jane.

Note. Concepts limit the "design space" by placing constraints around the set of (potentially) feasible solutions (c.f., differential equations in engineering).

Requirements Engineering and the Semantic Web

Key Observation

Transfer of Semantic Web Technologies to Tools for Requirements Engineering

What is the minimum level of Semantic Web Technology that can mitigate (and hopefully overcome) limitations in present-day tools?

Figure 21. Requirements Engineering WBS (Create Branch) to Semantic Layer Cake (Selberg, 2002).

Figure 22. Requirements Engineering WBS (Use Branch) to Semantic Layer Cake (Selberg, 2002).

Anticipated Challenges and Trade-Offs in Design

In figuring out how "requirements engineering" methodologies and tools can benefit from Semantic Web technologies, it is likely that we have to deal to some interesting trade-offs in the capabilities of technologies:

A key question is: can we get the best of both worlds and apply these techniques to a new generation of "requirements engineering" tools?

Research Agenda (2002-onwards)

Figure 23. Advancing Requirements Engineering with Semantic Web Technologies.

Project 1. Java Enabled Diagram Technology (2000-2003)

Participants: Natasha Kositsyna, Mark Austin.
Support: NSF, Northrop Grumman, GE Research and Development.

Motivation -- Lessons Learned from Training Classes at Company XYZ (in 1999-2000)

Ideally, systems engineering training activities should mirror those of the practising systems engineer. This is hard!!!

XML Document to Application Pathway

The eXtended markup language (XML) is a metalanguage -- that is, a language for describing other languages -- that allows people and computers to search for and exchange scientific, engineering and business data/information.

[XML DOM Tree ]

Phase 1. Explore feasibility of XML to Java Applet Pathway (Sep't 1999 - August 2000)

Design XML vocabulary, tag set structure for markup of diagrams and diagram pathways, and XML-to-Java source code compiler.

[XML to Java Applet Development Pathway ]

Figure 25. XML to Java Applet Pathway

The step-by-step development procedures is as follows:

  1. Design XML tagset and allowable hierarchy for combination of tags.
  2. Design a data type definition (DTD) file (or XML schema file).
  3. Create parser to transform XML document into (internal) tree structure.
  4. Develop application code to travserse tree structure and generate application-specific output (in our case, this will be Java source code).

JaDia Markup Language

The JaDia Markup Language has 12 elements:

  1. <chart>
  2. <graph>
  3. <edge>
  4. <node>
  5. <frame>
  6. <framenode>
  7. <path>
  8. <pathedge>
  9. <link>
  10. <hint>
  11. <image>
  12. <text>

[NSF Proposal : XML elements ]

Figure 26. Components of the JaDia Markup Language

Phase 2 : Develop Platform-Independent Diagram Editor (June, 2001 -- present)

Create a click-and-drop editor for development of "Collections of Java-Enabled Diagrams." knowledge capture for systems engineering is enabled through:

[Integrated Environment ]

Figure 27. Tools and Technologies for Knowledge Capture in Systems Engineering

We are currently working on the right-hand side of this diagram. Future versions of the editor will import of XML representations of diagrams, requirements, and systems stored in commerical databases (e.g., Oracle).

Screendumps from Drag-and-Drop Editor

[Natasha's editor ]

Figure 28. Drag-and-Drop Editor and Property Window

Project 2. An XML/RDF Traceability Viewer

Participants: Scott Selberg, Mark Austin.

Problem Statement

State-of-the-Art Systems Engineering tools have graphical user interfaces that are very poorly designed and nonintuitive. Systems engineers should be able to look at trees of requiremnts and engineering schematics and indenify mapping and traceability relations among them.

The purpose of this project is to explore the extent to which XML and RDF technologies (i.e., SVG, Javascript, cascading stylesheets) can improve the human-computer interface.

XML Separates Content from Presentation

The eXtended markup language (XML) is a metalanguage -- that is, a language for describing other languages -- that allows people and computers to search for and exchange scientific, engineering and business data/information.

Web page content is separated from presentation -- applications decide how the data will be displayed.


Figure 29. XML Portability Model

XML allows for custom interpretation of data sets (write once, publish anywhere).

Traceability Viewer Model

[Traceability Viewer]

Figure 30. Traceability Viewer Model

XML/RDF Datafile for Requirements

As an example, the top level requirement, Time Reference, is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="requirement.xsl"?>

<requirement id="TimeReference.req.xml"

        A physical device which displays a signal at regular frequency.      

        For a performing musician it can often be difficult to sustain a constant
        beat.  This is especially true when the music is complex, or very slow
        and sustained.  A physical time reference allows the musician to train
        his or her internal clock to a higher degree of precision.

    <rdf:Description about="TimeReference.req.xml">
            <rdf:Description about="AuditorySignal.req.xml"/>
            <rdf:Description about="AdjustableFrequency.req.xml"/>
            <rdf:Description about=""/>

       <entry timestamp="12:38:03 PM 3/2/02">
              Created Requirement

Notice that each of the basic categories (i.e., not the RDF links) simply contain text. The RDF section is the core of the linking. The rdf:Description block identifies the subject of the RDF statement. Beneath it are two property arcs: refined_by and satisfied_by. These arcs then point to the subject objects.

Requirements Traceability for Design of a Metronome

[Traceability Viewer]

Figure 31. Requirements Traceability for Design of a Metronome

Project 3. Formal Methods for the Synthesis of Modular Systems with Real-Time Rule Checking.

Participants: Vimal Mayank, Mark Austin, Natasha Kositsyna, Dave Everett (NASA Goddard)
Support: NSF, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Project Objectives

Methodologies for the team development of system-level architectures need to support the following activities:

The purpose of this project is to develop methodologies and tools for the synthesis, management, and visualization of system-level architectures likely to be found in the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) project. The research and development will leverage advances in the Semantic Web.

Two Simple Examples

We view system architectures as collections of modules, connectors, and rules for system assembly.

[Architectural Graph1]

Figure 32. Synthesis of System Architectures Supported by Product Descriptions on Web

More complicated subsystems will be modeled graphs.

[Architectural Graph1]

Figure 33. Simplified Assembly of System Architectures via Merging of Graphs.

We need to be able to merge graph models and remove inconsistencies among viewpoints.

Study Problem -- Architecture-Level Synthesis and Analysis of a Home Theatre System

We would like to create and interactive design environment where the specifications for components are found on the web.


Figure 34. Synthesis of System Architectures Supported by Product Descriptions on Web

Figure 34 shows a simple scenario:

A system design tool should:

Top-Down System-Level Development Coupled with Component Reuse

Design Goal
I need a home theatre system.

Operations Concept
Our wishes are very modest -- we will simply watch movies on a large size theatre screen and high fidelity audio system.

[Requirements to Architecture]

Figure 35. Flowdown of Requirements to a Detailed System Architecture Description.

Pathway from High-Level Requirements to Component-Level Requirements

Level 1 Requirements

R1 I need a home theatre system.
R2 The total cost must be less than or equal to US $8,000.

Level 2 Requirements

Visual Display

R1 The theatre system shall have a large display screen.
R2 The display should enable picture clarity from a wide range of viewing angles.
R3 The display must be thin enough to be mounted on a wall.
R4 Cost of the "visual display" shall not exceed US $7,000.

Audio System

R1 The system shall have a high fidelity audio system.
R2 Cost of the "audio system" shall not exceed US $1,000.

Implicit Requirements

R1 All components must be commercial off-the-shelf (COTS).
R2 All components must run off a standard A/C power supply in the house.

Level 3 Requirements

Flatscreen TV

R1 Geometry of the screen shall be at least 3 ft by 4 ft.
R2 The screen thickness shall be no more than 6 inches.
R3 Cost of the flatscreen TV system < US $7000.00
R4 Interface requirements -- to be determined (TBD).

Amplifier System

R1 The price of the amplifier system < US $400.00
R2 The audio system output shall be at least 200 watts, but no more than 300 watts.
R3 Interface requirements -- to be determined (TBD).

Speaker System

R1 Cost of the speaker system < US $600.00
R2 Capacity of the speaker system output shall be at least 350 watts.
R3 Interface requirements -- to be determined (TBD).

Research questions to be answered:

Representation of System Architecture

The system architecture is the structure of the pieces that make up a system, including the resposibilities of the pieces and their interconnection.

Research questions to be answered:

System Structure
Here is a first-cut implementation of entities making up the system structure.

[UML Model of System Architecture]

Figure 36. UML Model of the System Architecture.

Port capability -- services required and services provided -- is described by an interface specification.

Port Model
And here is a preliminary port model.

[UML Model of System Architecture]

Figure 37. UML Model of Ports, Port Connectors, and Port Geometry.

Bottom-up Implementation of the System (without trade-off among subsystem attributes).

To start with, let's assume that trade-off of attributes (e.g., cost) among the system components does not occur. The step-by-step implementation might proceed as follows:

Step 1. Selection of the Amplifier.

[Step 1. Implementation of Architecture]

Figure 38. Assembly of the System Architecture. Choosing the Amplifier.

Step 2. Selection of the Speakers.

[Step 2. Implementation of Architecture]

Figure 39. Assembly of the System Architecture. Choosing the Speakers.

Bottom-up Implementation of the System (with trade-off)

Step 1. Selection of the Amplifier.

[Step 1. Implementation of Architecture]

Figure 40. Assembly of the System Architecture. Choosing the Speakers.

Step 2. Selection of the Speakers.

[Step 2. Implementation of Architecture]

Figure 41. Assembly of the System Architecture. Choosing the Speakers.

Semi-Formal Representation for Requirements

We assume that "some requirements" can be expressed in a template format. For example:

    of the
    shall be

The requirement:

    The "price" of the "amplifier system" shall be < US $400.00

The corresponding markup in XML might look like:

        <template>    1 </template>
        <subject> price </subject>
        <object> amplifier system </object>
                less than 400

Attaching Specifications to Objects/Components

An object-specification pair defines a set of behaviors can be offered by a component/object.

[Elements of an Object-Specification Pair]

Figure 42. Elements of an Object-Specification Pair.

Object/component descriptions must be at least multi-input multi-output (MIMO). Otherwise they aren't useful.

Research questions to be answered:

Logical Checking of Requirements


Proposed Solution:

Simple Example: Connecting a Digital Camera to a Computer


Figure 43. Synthesis of System Assemblies Accompanied by Logical Checking of Requirements.


Complexity and System Levels


Proposed Solution:

Ensuring Consistency Across Different System Viewpoints


Proposed Solution:


Figure 44. Viewpoints of a Home Theatre System.

Expected Benefits

Conclusions and Future Work. What's Next?


Further Issues .....

But we still need to:

Important Applications ...

  1. NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Project Home Page.
  2. Adams J., "GPM Global Precipitation Measurement -- Planning for Global Precipitation Measurement," IGARSS2001 -- International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Paper 357, Sydney, Australia, July, 2001.
  3. Everett D., "GPM Global Precipitation Measurement -- Satellites, Orbits, Coverage," NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, May 2001.
  4. Karpinski R., Managing Code on a Massive Scale , INTERNET WEEK, May 14, 2002.
  5. Maier M.W., "Architecting Principles for Systems of Systems," Systems Engineering, 1999.
  6. Maier M.W., Rechtin E., The Art of Systems Architecting, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, London, 2000.
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Copyright © 2003, Mark Austin, University of Maryland.
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