Program Output
Script started on Fri Apr  6 09:01:44 2012
prompt >> java TestHashMap
Print all entries in the HashMap as a set
{ 157-62-7935=[name=Gary Cooper, salary=0.0],
  567-24-2546=[name=Harry Hacker, salary=0.0],
  144-25-5464=[name=Amy Lee, salary=0.0],
  456-62-5527=[name=Francesca Cruz, salary=0.0]}
Remove entry with id = 567-24-2546
Replace entry with id = 456-62-5527
Find employee with id 157-62-7935
[name=Gary Cooper, salary=0.0]
Iterate over the Hashmap Entries
key = 157-62-7935, value = [name=Gary Cooper, salary=0.0]
key = 144-25-5464, value = [name=Amy Lee, salary=0.0]
key = 456-62-5527, value = [name=Francesca Miller, salary=0.0]
prompt >>
Script done on Fri Apr  6 09:02:05 2012