[ISR logo] Control and Dynamical Systems
Invited Lecture Series 1997

Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland at College Park


Lecture Series 1997: [Introduction] [Schedule]
Other Lecture Series: [1998] [1996]
Related Links: [Intelligent Servosystems Laboratory] [Center for Dynamics and Control of Smart Structures]


There has been a steady growth in the interactions between control theory and various branches of the physical and biological sciences. These interactions have been significantly influenced by the increasing role of the dynamical systems perspective in these sciences. This series of talks is designed to highlight some of the exciting developments now taking place at the forefront of research in Control and Dynamical Systems and to draw attention to some of the emerging interdisciplinary connections. Contributions by engineers and mathematicians will be complemented by presentations of work in areas of growing interest such as biological control, molecular dynamics, computational neuroscience etc.

Lecture Schedule

Please click on lecture title for an abstract.
Please click on speaker's name for a brief biography.

Friday, October 24, 1997, 1:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Active Material Systems and Meso-Scale Actuator Designs
Greg P. Carman
University of California at Los Angeles, MANE Department

Thursday, April 24, 1997, 4:00pm
A.V. Williams Building, Room 2168
Host: P. S. Krishnaprasad

Random Walking During Quiet Standing
J. J. Collins
Boston University, Department of Biomedical Engineering

The CDS Lecture Series page is maintained by Andrew Newman Send comments, etc. to newman@isr.umd.edu.