Email: ELinAtYam@yam.com



Sept. 1994

Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

Dec. 1989

M.S. Operation Research and CIMS Certificate
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.

June 1980

M.S. Automatic Control Engineering
Feng-Chia University, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.

June 1977

B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Feng-Chia University, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.


Duties, Responsibilities, & Major Accomplishments

Dec. 1994 - Present

Research Engineer, Lab Manager
CIM Lab, Institute for Systems Research, UMCP

Lab responsibilities

  • Managing the facilities (i.e., Windows NT workstations, UNIX systems/networks, ObjectStore database server, and CNC machines) and personnel of the CIM Lab;
  • Installing/maintaining software in UNIX and Windows NT machines;
  • Overseeing routine operations;
  • Managing software development projects for faculty and industrial collaborators affiliated with the lab;
  • Developing software in C++ ( Sun Workshop, GNU, Microsoft Visual C++), Java (IBM VisualAge), and Microsoft Visual Basic; using CASE tools (i.e., Together Control Center, Rational Rose, Petri nets);
  • Developing manufacturing/assembly simulation models using ARENA;
  • Aiding in the selection of various software systems in support of projects;
  • Install/maintaining CIM Lab web servers (Apache + Tomcat)
  • Developing/maintaining CIM Lab web site and Intranet web site;

Consulting Projects

  • Technical feasibility analysis of a shop floor real time operator work instruction system for Black and Decker at Easton
  • Cell formation analysis for Ward Machinery (in-house software)
  • Muni bus assembly line simulation for AAI (ARENA)
  • Cell formation and layout for Dixon Valve & Coupling (in-house software and MS Excel)

Research Projects

ScheduleThis! - a Web-based Scheduling Service Portal

  • Supervised the development of a web-based scheduling service portal. This system provides a scalable infrastructure that enables additions of scheduling algorithms without changing the underlying Java programs.
  • Using IBM VisualAge for Java, JSPs, Servlets, IBM DB2, and Apache Tomcat web server

Innovation-Alert Services for Managing Product Evolution

  • Supervised the development of Java programs to extract information from the Internet. The task includes the development of web pages and information description language.
  • Supervising and Developing web-based innovation-alert services
  • Using IBM VisualAge for Java, JSPs, Servlets, IBM DB2, and Apache Tomcat web server

Object Modeling of Dynamic Web-Based Enterprise Systems

  • The goal of this project is to develop SCOR based simulation constructs of extended enterprises for planning and control in supply chain. Various planning SCOR process elements are realized in MS EXCEL and execution process elements are being implemented in ARENA. The system can be used to evaluate supply chain alternatives so that relevant system performances are optimized and to determine equitable methods of allocating value along the chain.
  • Developing a SCOR-based supply chain training model in MS EXCEL
  • Advising the development of a simulation-based supply chain inventory system to evaluate various operational policies subject to dynamic market price change

Intelligent Process Planner and Scheduler  (IPPS)

  • Supervised the development of Adaptable Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Engine (AMPSE) based on a Parallel Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithml
  • Developed Internet based Service Architecture, XML based information models, and Java reusable components (Java Beans)
  • Built an IPPS prototype using IBM XML Parser, Java Server Page (JSP), Servlets, Applets
  • Using Rational Rose for System Specifications/Documentation, IBM VisualAge for Java for Java Beans/Servlets development, IBM WebSphere Studio for managing and developing html/JSP pages, and Apache Tomcat Web servers in UNIX and Windows NT
  • Developed a XML database prototype using Tamino Database

Adaptable Manufacturing Simulation Model

  • Identifying concepts of adaptability, some measures for adaptable simulation models, and factors that affect adaptability
  • Finished survey of Java-based open source simulation packages

An Agent-based Shop Floor Simulation System

  • Supervised and developed a Java-based shop floor simulation system
  • Supervised and developed a GUI-based automatic simulation code generator.

Modeling and Evaluation of Assembly Systems

  • Performed research and co-advising an MS student for this NIST project.
  • Developed Bottleneck Identification Methodology for Throughput-Oriented Flow Lines

Integrating Product Design and Production: Designing for Time-to-Market

  • Performed research with a MS and a Ph.D. students

Integrated Product and Process Design Automation Tool for Microwave Module

  • Coordinated project activities among participants from several organizations.
  • Developed and supervised design workflow program.
  • Developed project web pages.

Operator Information System for Parallel Assembly Workstations

  • Completed and delivered Operator Information System for Parallel Assembly Workstations to Black & Decker at Easton
  • Developed Internet-based real-time workstation controller, which communicates with the Prodel conveyor controller via serial line and web browser via DDE using MS Visual Basic.

Distributed Group Technology Code Generation System

  • Supervised and completed a feature-based design in Microstation, STEP file translator, Internet-based manufacturing service (Group Technology code generation system).
  • Developed C++, Java, GUI, object-oriented database, and networking programs.
  • Developed and integrated STEP file-to-Object Store database translator (in C++) with the Optimal Selection Partners in Agile Manufacturing System.

Virtual Manufacturing Background Research, http://www.isr.umd.edu/Labs/CIM/projects/virtual.html

  • Completed and delivered Virtual Manufacturing research phase I and II projects to Manufacturing Technology Directorate, Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, under contract via Lawrence Associates Inc.
  • Performed intensive reviews of up-to-date research and industrial applications in virtual manufacturing.
  • Developed virtual manufacturing web site including html pages and on-line information storage/retrieval system.
  • Developed ACIS .sat file to STEP file translator on the web.

Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing

  • Completed and delivered the Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing Software System to ARMY Tank-Automotive Command.
  • Developed C++, Object-oriented (Object Store) databases, and GUI.
  • Performed configuration management and supervised program development.
  • Completed software system documentation and software design representation techniques.

Sept. 1987 - Sept. 1994

Ph.D. Student
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

- Developed a structured modeling technique which integrated IDEF0, Petri Nets into object-oriented approach.
- Designed a set of reference models to build the object oriented connection model for analyzing message reachability in distributed manufacturing systems.
- Developed a graphical model and its associated guidelines.
- Developed analysis algorithms.
- Provides a systematic methodology for system integrators to model and analyze manufacturing systems as a result of saving development cost and avoiding schedule delay due to the limitation of message reachability of equipment.

Jan. 1991 - Mar. 1993

CIMS Lab Assistant, Projects Supervisor 
CIMS Program, Georgia Institute of Technology

- In charge of developing a Distributed Manufacturing Control System.
- Supervised working projects.
- Successfully developed the only CIMS in the school which provides the capabilities of real-time knowledge-based cell control (a lathe, mill, robot), material handling (an AGV) integration, on-line WIP tracking system, network database access, and remote graphic cell status monitoring.
- Received very high praise for the result of this development from industries. 

Jan. 1988 - Sept. 1990

Graduate Research Assistant
Material Handling Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology

- Responsible for research works in the area of material handling.
- Developed and demonstrated an integrated CAD/CAM/Marketing program for miniload racks that significantly improved the overall customer satisfaction level.
- Completed assessment of Material Handling Automation.

July 1986 - Aug. 1987

Researcher & Manager of Manufacturing Department
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

- Responsible for Planning a Computer-Integrated-Manufacturing PCB pilot-run plant.
- Managed sections of production, inventory control, and manufacturing plants.
- Completed and submitted proposal to build a CIM PCB plant which integrates CAE/CAD/CAM, production/inventory systems, quality control system, and manufacturing systems.
- Developed and implemented the process flow procedures for development and manufacturing departments to avoid unnecessary engineer changes and backorder.
- Completed the purchase of CAD/CAE/CAM computer systems to improve the efficiency of design process and to be integrated to the proposed system.

July 1984 - June 1986

Manager of Controller Application Department
Industrial Technology Research Institute

- Responsible for developing systems for industry and in-house.
- Participated CNC, PLC and AGV controller design.
- Developed and delivered the first MIT manufacturing system for engine block production line.
- Completed 20 contract projects for local industries.
- Developed and implemented methodologies for engineers to design controller applications, electric wire drawing and wiring to reduce the development time and to standardize design process and documents.
- Completed building a machining demonstration plant and an automating PCB fabrication plant. 

Sept. 1982 - June 1984

Associate Researcher, Automatic Control Division
Industrial Technology Research Institute

- Responsible for automation applications.
- Completed 7 CNC machining centers application design and tests.
- Supervised and delivered CNC lathe, CNC grind machine, robot, PLC, automatic storage/retrieval storage systems (AS/RSs) projects.

Oct. 1980 - Aug. 1982

Ensign with Specialty in Electronics

- Accomplished the missions of training technical staffs and maintenance of radar/communication equipment.


System Techniques

Design and integrate manufacturing systems.
Object-oriented analysis & design.
Knowledge-based system.
Real-time control.
Project planning and management.
System Integration and Configuration Manageme
Computer CAE/CAD/CAM, Simulation, Lisp, C++/C, Java, JSP, Servlet, XML/DTD/DOM, statistic analysis, database, Windows, OS/2, UNIX, Local Area Network (LAN), TCP/IP, HTTP, SLIP, IBM Distributed Automation Edition (DAE), W3, IDE, CASE Tools.
Training courses

- High Level Architecture (HLA)
- IBM Java programming using VisualAge for Java

- IBM advanced Java programming
- Introduction to MDL (Microstation)
- IBM Distributed Automation Edition architecture.
- Computer Numerical control (CNC) -- General Electric.
- Top-down requirement analysis.
- Software verification, checkout, and testing techniques.
- Business management & administration.


  • Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Mark Fleischer, Edward Lin, Vidit Mathur, and Jim Glasser (2001) "Affordable Space Systems Manufacturing:
    Intelligent Synthesis Technology, Process Planning, and Production Scheduling," accepted for publication in the ASME 2001 DETC/CIE.
  • Guilherme E. Vieira, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Edward Lin (2000) " Predicting the Performance of Rescheduling Strategies for Parallel Machine Systems," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 256-266, 2000.
  • D. Nau, J. Meyer, M. Ball, J. Baras, A. Chowdhury, E. Lin, R. Rajamani, and V. Trichur (2000) "Integrating AI Planning and Integer Programming for Use in Integrated Product and Process Design." In AAAI-2000 Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques for Combinatorial Optimization. Austin, TX, 2000. AAAI. To appear.
  • Dana Nau, Michael Ball, John Baras, Abdur Chowdhury, Edward Lin, Jeff Meyer, Ravi Rajamani, John Splain, and Vinai Trichur (2000) "Integrated Product and Process Design of Microwave Modules using AI Planning and Integer Programming," In Fourth Workshop on "Knowledge Intensive CAD (KIC-4), pp. 186-196. Parma, Italy, 2000. IFIP Working Group 5.2.
  • Dana Nau, Michael Ball, John Baras, Abdur Chowdhury, Edward Lin, Jeff Meyer, Ravi Rajamani, John Splain, and Vinai Trichur (2000) "Generating and Evaluating Designs and Plans for Microwave Modules," AI for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AI-EDAM), 14(4):289-304, September 2000.
  • Guilherme E. Vieira, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Edward Lin (2000) " Analytical Models to Predict the Performance of a Single-Machine System Under Periodic and Event-Driven Rescheduling Strategies," International Journal of Production Research, Volume 38, Number 8, pp. 1899-1915, 2000.
  • Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Edward Lin, Bala Ram, and Sanjiv Sarin  (2000) "Adaptable Simulation Models for Manufacturing," accepted to appear in the FAIM 2000 -- Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, June 26-28, 2000, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
  • Minis, I., J.W. Herrmann, G. Lam, and E. Lin  (1999) " A Generative Approach for Concurrent Manufacturability Evaluation and Subcontractor Selection," Journal of Manufacturing Systems,  Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 383-395, 1999.
  • Yi-Tzer Lin and Chen Zhou (1999) "Modeling and Analysis of Message Passing in Distributed Manufacturing Systems," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics -- Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol. 29, No. 2, May 1999, pp. 250-261.
  • Jeff Meyer, Mike Ball, John Baras, Abdur Chowdhury, Edward Lin, Dana Nau, Ravi Rajamani, and Vinai Trichur (1998) "Process Planning in Microwave Module Production," 1998 Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Workshop: State of the Art and State of Practice, Second Biannual AI & Mfg Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Aug. 31 - Sept. 2, 1998.
  • Ramesh Karne, Swati Dandekar, Sridhar Poluri, Gang Chen, John Baras, Dana Nau, Michael Ball, Edward Lin, Vinai Trichur, James Williams (1998) "Web-It-Man: A Web-based Integrated Tool for Manufacturing Environment," DETC98/CIE-5524, 1998 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sept. 13-16, Atlanta, GA.
  • Michael Ball, John Baras, Edward Lin, Ioannis Minis, Dana Nau and Ramesh Karne (1998) "Integrated Product and Process Design Tool for Microwave Modules," 1998 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp. 655-656, Jan. 5-8, 1998, Monterey, Mexico.
  • Manish Govil, Karthik S.G., Edward Lin, Edward Magrab and Ioannis Minis (1998) "Integrating Product Design and Production: Designing for Time-to-Market," 1998 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, pp. 657-658, Jan. 5-8, 1998, Monterrey, Mexico.
  • Kenneth Crossen and Edward Lin (1997) "Creating Excellent Manufacturing Work Instructions," Modern Machine Shop, Nov. 1997, pp. 178-180.
  • Kalyanapasupathy, V., Lin, Edward, and Minis, Ioannis (1997) "Group Technology Code Generation over the Internet," DETC97/CIE-4290, 1997 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, September 14-17, 1997, Sacramento, CA.
  • Herrmann, Jeffrey, Lin, Edward, and Minis, Ioannis (1997) "An Operator Information System for Parallel, off-line assembly," 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, September 9-12, 1997, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Lin, Edward, Minis, I., Nau, D.S., Regli, W.C. (1996) "An Assessment of Virtual Manufacturing Technologies," Proceedings of the 1996 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, University of New Mexico, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 2-5, 1996, pp. 101-102.
  • Candadai, A., Herrmann, J.W., Lam, G., Lin, Edward, Minis, I., Ramachandran, V. (1996) "Design Evaluation for Agile Manufacturing," Proceedings of the 1996 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, University of New Mexico, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 2-5, 1996, pp. 27-28.
  • Lin, Yi-Tzer and Zhou, Chen (1993) "Message Reachability Analysis for Manufacturing Cells", 2nd Industrial Engineering Research Conference Proceedings, Los Angeles, California, May 26-28, 1993, pp. 46-50.
  • Lin, Yi-Tzer (1994) "Modelling and analysis for message reachability in distributed manufacturing systems," Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. (Copyright 24Aug95, TX-4-114-980).

Invited Talks and Presentations

  • Web-based Services for Manufacturing, presented at NC A&T State University, Feb. 8, 2001
  • Jeffrey W. Herrmann, Guilherme E. Vieira, and Edward Lin, "Evaluating Rescheduling Strategies," Invited Cluster in Manufacturing and Logistics Fall 1999 INFORMS Meeting, Philadelphia, November 7-10, 1999.
  • Guilherme E. Vieira, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Edward Lin, "Evaluating rescheduling policies for discrete manufacturing systems," poster session, Winter Simulation Conference'98, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC, Dec. 13-16, 1998.
  • Petri Nets: Tutorial and Applications, The 32th Annual Symposium of the Washington Operations Research - Management Science Council, Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 1997.Presentation Material , Handout

Technical Reports

  • Herrmann, J.W., Lin, Edward, and Minis, Ioannis (1998) "An Internet-Based Work Instructions System," Technical Report TR98-4, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland.
  • Kalyanapasupathy, V., Lin, Edward, and Minis, Ioannis (1997) "Distributed Group Technology Code Generation System," Technical Report, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland.
  • Edward Lin, Ioannis Minis, Dana S. Nau and William C. Regli (1996) "Contribution to Virtual Manufacturing Background Research -- Phase II," Final Report to Lawrence Associatesin for Manufacturing Technology Directorate, Air Force Wright Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433-6533.
  • Edward Lin, Ioannis Minis, Dana S. Nau and William C. Regli (1995) "Contribution to Virtual Manufacturing Background Research -- Phase I," Final Report to Lawrence Associatesin for Manufacturing Technology Directorate, Air Force Wright Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433-6533, Contract No. F33615-92-D-5812.
  • Ioannis Minis, Arun Candadai, Jeffrey Herrmann, Giang Lam, Edward Lin, Rakesh Nagi and Vijay Ramachandran (1995)"Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing -- Software User's Manual (A004)," Contract DAAE07-93-C-R086, U.S. Army Tank Command (TACOM), AMSTA-IRRA.
  • Ioannis Minis, Arun Candadai, Jeffrey Herrmann, Giang Lam, Edward Lin, Rakesh Nagi and Vijay Ramachandran (1995)"Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing -- Computer System Operator's Manual (A005)," Contract DAAE07-93-C-R086, U.S. Army Tank Command (TACOM), AMSTA-IRRA.
  • Ioannis Minis, Arun Candadai, Jeffrey Herrmann, Giang Lam, Edward Lin, Rakesh Nagi and Vijay Ramachandran (1995)"Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing -- Final Report (A001),"Contract DAAE07-93-C-R086, U.S. Army Tank Command (TACOM), AMSTA-IRRA.
  • Ioannis Minis, Arun Candadai, Jeffrey Herrmann, Giang Lam, Edward Lin, Rakesh Nagi and Vijay Ramachandran (1995)"Optimal Selection of Partners in Agile Manufacturing -- System/Segment Design Document (A003)," Contract DAAE07-93-C-R086, U.S. Army Tank Command (TACOM), AMSTA-IRRA.

Submitted Papers:

  • Guilherme E. Vieira, Jeffrey W. Herrmann, and Edward Lin "Rescheduling Manufacturing Systems: A Survey of Definitions, Strategies, Methods, and Techniques," submitted to the Journal of  Scheduling.